Thursday, September 10, 2009

The top 20 reasons people want to get out from under a new car

Anyone thinking about purchasing a new car or giving their new car up? You may find this intersting...

With GM's decision today to offer a 60-day, money-back guarantee on new cars, we figured it would be fitting to ask what kind of reasons a person returns a car within 60 days? There are all kinds of reasons why a person would go through buyers remorse and we see it all the time here in our car lease trading marketplace. Keep in mind that helps a person escape a car lease they no longer want, so we'd like to share the 20 most common reasons why a person would fall out of love with a vehicle - even as quickly as within 60 days.

Is it realistic to think that many people are dissatisfied with a car only 60 days in? That's one heck of a short honeymoon period. Financial reasons and dissatisfaction may be two of the larger reasons why a person would want out before the honeymoon is over, but here is a list of many other reasons why people would do an about face on their car-buying decision based on actual reasons why people come to to escape a lease:

1) divorce/breakup
2) death
3) health
4) relocation
5) family growth

These first five reasons make up 65 percent of all customer situations. Here are the reasons that make up the remaining 35 percent.

6) deployed to military
7) lost income/job
8) gas prices
9) dissatisfaction
10) disability
11) new company-issued car
12) child went off to college
13) car safety
14) retirement
15) environmental
16) parking too expensive
17) public transportation
18) weather
19) social pressure
20) feature upgrade

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