Friday, April 22, 2011




  1. "Yoga" means “Union”. In India, where yoga is flowing in the veins of everyone since ages, people must strive for harmonious coexistence of many faiths and beliefs, which is the ideal type of Universal Religion. Those who can heroically put their faith into daily living can accomplish this “togetherness” in the human community. Togetherness or Union can be established between one’s outer behaviour and inner nature. The Sadhaka (aspirant for spiritual progress), intent on the path of Prema, must strive for Union between himself and the embodiment of Prema, namely, God
  2. When people approach us, fanatical in their beliefs about God we must welcome them with a smile, eager and yearning, filled with devotion to God. When someone who is passionate about his work approaches us we must share with him our skill and strength and join with him in work. By this means it is possible to bring harmony between followers of various faiths and philosophic thoughts. It will bring together various schools of thought and belief. How wonderful it would be if this kind of harmony and harmonious co-operation becomes more prevalent. How happy the world would be if everyone comprehends that his/her viewpoint can at best be only the partial truth and that it requires the harmonious commingling of many other facets to arrive at the whole truth.
  3. Man suffers from two kinds of ills, physical and mental. One peculiar fact about these two types of illnesses is that cultivation of virtue cures both. An attitude of generosity, of fortitude in the presence of sorrow and loss, a spirit of enthusiasm to do good and to be of service to the best of one's capacity, these build up the mind as well as the body. The joy derived from service reacts on the body and makes you free from disease. Thus, the body and the mind are closely interrelated
  4. Those who assert that the Universe is real, but declare at the same time that the existence of God is but a dream, are only proving themselves ignorant. For when the effect, namely, the Cosmos is real, it must have a Cause, for how can there be an effect with no cause? God can be denied only when the Universe is denied. What now appears as the Cosmos is really God. This is the vision that the true aspirant (Sadhaka) will get when he succeeds in his endeavour. As a matter of fact, the Universe we experience is the dream. When we awake from the dream, the Truth of its being God will shine in the consciousness. From the beginning of time, the God whom we posit outside ourselves has been the reality inside us also. This Truth too will become steady with growing faith
  5. When you see faults in anyone, you must restrict your conclusions to that there are deficiencies in his/her behaviour - that is all. Do not conclude that there is no Divine Atma (soul) in them. As a result of the company they keep or the shortcomings of the society in which they grew such faults have taken root in them. They are not native to their nature, which is Atmic. Attempt to provide them with good company and conducive surroundings and persuade them to live therein. On no account should you condemn them and keep yourself aloof from them
  6. Every man aspires for happiness and wants to avoid sorrow. But in this world, truth and untruth, righteousness and unrighteousness, joy and sorrow pass and change with time. Man should have faith in the ultimate principle out of which both good and evil arise. True man is the one who treats pain and pleasure equally. You should trust the Divine and experience His love in your hearts. In this world, the gain from sorrow is more than that out of happiness. The saints and sages of yore, who have become immortal in history, aspired for hardships rather than happiness. The joy that arises out of overcoming hardships is more lasting than that gained from happiness. Hence, we should not be averse to sorrow nor should we look for happiness alone.
  7. Consider how you dream in your sleep – dreams do not arise from somewhere outside you nor do the varied images and activities disappear into some place outside you. They arise in you and disappear into you. While dreaming, you consider the events and persons as real, and you experience as realistically as in the waking stage, the feelings of grief, delight, fear, anxiety, and joy. You do not dismiss them at the time as illusory. The Cosmos is the dream of God. It arises in Him and merges in Him. It is the product of His Mind. The cycles of birth and death are all fanciful weavings of Maya, illusory agitations and unreal appearances. Those who have experienced this highest wisdom can attain oneness with the Divine, here and now.
  8. It is only when the mind is completely under control that man can grasp his real identity. Then all troubles and travails, doubts and dilemmas, come to an end. Man then overcomes sorrow, delusion and anxiety. He is established in the holy calmness of Shanti (peace). Spiritual life is not a matter of meaningless talk. It is an experience of pure Ananda (bliss).
  9. What is 'Moksha'? It is giving up of the 'Anatma', the unreal. Suppose you want a glass of fruit juice, unless you throw away the water already in the glass, you cannot pour juice in to the glass. Similarly, unless you give up worldly desires, 'Atmabhava' (spirituality) cannot take root in you. When you spend your hours immersed in thoughts about God, you become free from evil ways. You will not be tempted to abuse others or harm them in any way. You begin to live in Love, accepting all events as His gifts. Then your home verily becomes heaven on Earth; the joy that bubbles in your heart is the symbol of Vaikunta (abode of Lord Vishnu); the earnestness and care that you evince in your work will symbolise Kailasa (the abode of Lord Shiva)
  10. If you follow truth right from this very day, you will certainly become an ideal to the entire country. What is truth? God's word is truth. Hence, when you speak and act with the feeling Sarva Karma Bhagavad Preetyartham (perform all actions to please God), everything you say or do will manifest as truth. Every thought and feeling emanating from you is a reflection of your inner truth. Unfortunately it gets converted into falsehood by improper use of the tongue. The tongue is one of the five senses. The senses are the cause of changes in us. They are responsible for the sin or the merit that we earn. Himsa (Violence) is not just limited to harming or hurting others-in fact acting contrary to one's words is also Himsa. Remember this always: Verily, there can be no greater Ahimsa (Non-violence) than using our tongue in a sacred manner

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