By Ed Anderson, The Times-Picayune
April 06, 2010, 6:00PM
Lawmakers gave resounding support today to a bill that will allow the New Orleans Saints and the state to design a special license tag commemorating the team's Super Bowl-winning season.
Representatives voted 99-0 for House Bill 1165 by Rep. Jeff Arnold, D-Algiers, sending it on the Senate for more debate,.
The bill would require Saints fans to shell out an additional $25 a year and a one-time $3.50 handling fee above the cost of the tag, which is based on the value of the vehicle. If Arnold's bill is approved, it will go into effect July 1.
The money from the premium fee will be used to support youth recreation programs and parks in each parish. The amount of money for the programs in each parish will be based on the number of license tags sold in each parish.
Arnold's bill calls for the Saints to have control of the first 300 tags issued. It does not specify a design but requires the Saints and the state to come up with one. The bill also requires that a non-profit foundation, governed by a seven-member board, be established to oversee how the surcharge is spent.
The Saints would name four representatives and the governor, House speaker and Senate president would name one each. The latter three would have to be the heads of state agencies that deal with youth fitness programs or a parks and recreation director.
The bill would require that at least 1,000 individuals sign up for the tags before they can be manufactured. Arnold said that the tags should be a hot seller. "We can probably sell 1,000 in Shreveport alone, and that's Dallas Cowboys country," he said.
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